Novec Contact Cleaner Plus is non-flammable, non ozone-depleting, has low global warming potential and contains no HCFCs, HFCs or nPB. It is compatible with plastics and other materials of construction. This includes connectors, printed circuit boards, electromechanical devices, scales, relays and circuit breakers. Removes Dust/Particulates, Removes Fluorinated Oils/Greases, Removes Light Oils/GreasesĬalifornia VOC (Electrical Cleaner), OTC VOC (Electrical Cleaner), RoHS/WEEEĬleaning Performance - Heavy Oils and GreasesģM Novec Contact Cleaner Plus is formulated with extra cleaning power to remove stubborn oils and silicones, as well as fluorinated oils and greases, dust and particulates, from sensitive electrical and electronic equipment.